Welcome to the Website of the German Livestock Association

The members of the associations or federations
  • German Cattle Breeders‘ Federation (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher
    Rinderzüchter e. V. - ADR)
  • German Beef Cattle Breeders‘ Federation (Bundesverband Deutscher
    Fleischrinderzüchter und –halter e. V. - BDF)
  • German Holstein Association (Deutscher Holstein Verband e. V. - DHV), and
  • Federal Association of German Pig Producers (Zentralverband der Deutschen
    Schweineproduktion e. V. - ZDS)
decided to merge to the German Livestock Association (Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e. V. – BRS). All business activities of ADR, BDF, DHV, and ZDS are transferred to BRS and the former associations are dissolved.
The main task of BRS is to represent the interests of German cattle breeders and pig producers at national and international level and to coordinate and harmonise the technical work within Germany in the field of breeding, artifical insemination, marketing of livestock and livestock products, animal welfare, animal health and animal husbandry. An important part of the intensive professional work is the representation in national and international committees.
Chairman of BRS is Josef Hannen, first deputy chairmen are Paul Hegemann und Georg Geuecke. General Manager is Dr Bianca Lind.

The business operation is organised in the following departments.
  • Politics and legislation (Dr Bianca Lind, b.lind@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 22)
  • Public relations (Klemens Schulz, k.schulz@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 42) Welfare and husbandry (Dr Nora Hammer, n.hammer@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 41)
  • International affairs and events (Dr Jürgen Mohrenstecher, j.mohrenstecher@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 53)
  • Breeding and genetics (Dr Egbert Feddersen, e.feddersen@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 51)
  • Reproduction (Dr Hubert Cramer, h.cramer@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 23, and Dr. Jens Baltissen, j.baltissen@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 28)
  • Performance and quality testing (Dr Jens Baltissen, j.baltissen@rind-schwein.de +49 228 91447 28)
  • Accounting services (Michael Dirnberger, m.dirnberger@rind-schwein.de, +49 228 91447 26)

International contacts

In Brussels we represent the interests of our members within the Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the European Union (COPA/COGECA) and, since 1 July 2001, via an own office of the German Animal Breeders` Federation (ADT).
On international level the German Livestock Association contributes to the activities of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) and its subdivision INTERBULL as well as a member within European Pig Selection and Production Association (EPSPA) an the European Pig Producers e.V..

In addition the German Livestock Association is part of the Working Group of European Veterinaries, the European Association for Animal Production, the International Federation for Animal Breeding (IFAB) and the European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAP). In cooperation with the International Project Management & Consulting GmbH the German Livestock Association is considerably involved in the development of cattle breeding and pig production in Middle and Eastern Europe.